should you be buying wedding pins or wedding grips?

If you're unsure of the difference a grip, is a shorter grip, with 2 prongs which are close together and is primary used to hold small bits of hair in place, such as the wispy bits at the base of your neck which aren't long enough to be tied into a high ponytail, or for pining your fringe back if you're growing it out like me. Pins are longer and they have 2 prongs which are separated this allows them to be used for bigger sections and they help maintain the structure of the hairstyle. For example if you were trying to create a bun you would use pins to keep the bun in place after you'd twisted it. If you tried to use grips you would stretch them out of shape and they probably won't hold the style so well and since you've warped them out of shape you wouldn't be able to reuse them.

So should you be buying wedding pins or wedding grips?

Well, it does depend on the style you're planning on having on your wedding day. If like many other brides you're planning on wearing your hair half up and half down, then you'll probably need grips. But if you and your hairdresser are planning on creating an intricate updo then choose a combination of both. The wedding pins will be used to help keep the structure of the style and the wedding grips can be added after the structure is secure for added decoration.

How many wedding hairpins grips will I need?

The amount of wedding grips or pins you'll need is dependent on the look you're trying to achieve. If you're only planning on wearing pins and you've chosen a small design then you will need quite a few of these to make an impact. If you're wearing them in a cluster, with another bridal accessory such as a wedding tiara or bridal hair vine then you can get away with wearing less.bridal hair headband



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