Choose the best engagement rings for your partner

One way of finding unique engagement rings that match perfectly with a person's own taste is with the help of a custom jeweler. Although this means going through the design process before waiting for the masterpiece to be completed, the result is always worth it. However, the one-of-a-kind nature means custom jewelry really should be taken care of in the best way possible.

From going the extra mile to ensure your unique engagement rings are neither lost nor damaged to covering their replacement should the worst happen, a few simple precautions are all it takes to help give you peace of mind when it comes to your most prized pieces?

Sleeping naked

Having spent the time and money to find perfect unique engagement rings, it's common for people to never want to take them off again. However, there are a number of reasons your jeweler may recommend removing them before sleeping.

It's not difficult to imagine how often a ring with a raised setting can snag on sheets and duvets during the night. Aside from pulling threads in your bedclothes, this can actually lead to wear and tear on the prongs of your ring. Although unnoticeable at first, there's a danger the stone could loosen over time.

Fingers too can benefit from being given a break from unique engagement rings. Without constant constriction through the night, the skin is allowed to breathe. For people whose fingers swell while sleeping, removing the ring beforehand can help minimize discomfort.


For people who do remove their unique engagement rings before sleeping, keeping them safe overnight is of course of the utmost importance. To help make sure your ring is still there in the morning, it's wise to use a ring holder.

Simply setting your ring down for the night on the bedside table is asking for trouble. Restless sleepers may unwittingly cause their ring to fall behind the table, while pets who don't know better may be curious of how it tastes.

Getting it back from them could take a few days.

Ring holders aren't just for the bedroom. Any time unique engagement rings are removed from the house, they should be placed in a dedicated place for safe keeping. Although removing your ring before handling raw meat, mixing cookie dough or washing the dishes is sensible, placing it at the side of the sink isn't.

Drains and garbage disposal units don't care how beautiful it is. To stay safe, use a ring holder somewhere out of harm's way.
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